I always find it interesting the memories we try to cling to and remember every little detail. I remember breathing in every salty breath deeply to savor the seconds in hopes they would last a lifetime. I remember looking at the Italian sky and suddenly realizing I have looked at it for years prior in paintings. Suddenly, picturesque paintings that depicted a landscape I thought dramatic were actually real.
Ruth Shiferaw
“… the glory that was Greece, the grandeur that was Rome!” – Edgar Allan Poe
Nicholas Earman
At night, the city takes on a whole new persona. It feels like you’re walking through an endless movie set beneath towering buildings that emit an eerie light
Avery Seip
The greatest lesson I took away from this trip was the importance of human scale and designing with the pedestrian in mind first and foremost. I can't express my gratitude enough for the opportunity to partake in such an incredible learning experience, and I look forward with much anticipation to see how these lessons will continue to inform my career as a young designer.
Josiah Kinney
The spaces that we choose to make and live in become who we are. That is something that I learned in my travels with Lyceum and maybe that is the simplicity that I was searching for.
Rachel Coulomb
By starting graduate school immediately after, I could see the reflection of my travels in my studio work. If it weren’t for this fellowship, I would not have been exposed to the concepts that drove my design experimentation. Once again, thank you so much for this unforgettable experience!
Ambikesh Mishra
The opportunity to travel and deeply explore my interests in architecture and design was an incredible one. Participating in the competition and all the future work that has been an incredible experience that has further fueled my desire to improve my skill-set and design better spaces. I am very grateful and feel very privileged to have had this incredible experience. Thank you to my mentor and the people at the Lyceum foundation who organize this competition every year for making all this possible
Alex Gormley
The primary goal for my travel was to study how other cities use their stairways to activate public life in the community.
Michael Honyak
Here it is more about the journey than the destination. The winding path that meanders along a few hundred-foot-tall sea cliffs instilled sublime feelings as I headed toward the temple.