Lyceum Poster 2024 opt
2024 Competition

Re-forming The Anthropocene:
A Center For Regenerative Building

Program Authors and Jury Chairs:
Gray Organschi Architecture

The 2024 Lyceum Competition explores the potentially regenerative symbiosis between the inevitable growth of human settlement—our buildings and infrastructure, our towns and cities—and the essential health of our terrestrial ecosystem. The program calls for a new, hybrid building type, a "maker space" that functions as an essential component of a regional economic and ecological metabolism. The building itself will serve as a model of regenerative design and construction.

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The spaces that we choose to make and live in become who we are. That is something that I learned in my travels with Lyceum and maybe that is the simplicity that I was searching for.

Josiah Kinney 2021, First Prize

I always find it interesting the memories we try to cling to and remember every little detail. I remember breathing in every salty breath deeply to savor the seconds in hopes they would last a lifetime. I remember looking at the Italian sky and suddenly realizing I have looked at it for years prior in paintings. Suddenly, picturesque paintings that depicted a landscape I thought dramatic were actually real.

Mikayla Williams 2021, Jon McKee Prize

Thank you for this life-changing opportunity.

Leslie Finnie 2018, 1st Place

The greatest lesson I took away from this trip was the importance of human scale and designing with the pedestrian in mind first and foremost. I can't express my gratitude enough for the opportunity to partake in such an incredible learning experience, and I look forward with much anticipation to see how these lessons will continue to inform my career as a young designer.

Avery Seip 2021, Second Prize

Travel By the Numbers

In Prize Money
Months of Travel
Lyceum Archives

2022 Winners Announced!

The competition programs have spanned the continent and globe, challenging students to think broadly about the venues and opportunities for creative design, environmental and social impact.

See Past Winners
2022 Competition


Faculty are enthusiastically encouraged to structure design studios around Lyceum competition briefs. Sign up for our emails to be among the first to learn about new competitions on the website. "The Lyceum Fellowship Competition is an outstanding learning experience for the student competitors and faculty advisors. The project brief provides a detailed and informed foundation, and the integration of developing a travel proposal along with a design project encourages expansive thinking. Aspects raised through design inquiry open portals to seeking in-situ learning. The method of presentation encourages both independent exploration and the focus to convey ideas through concise expression. While the prizes are substantial, it was evident that an incredibly valuable semester was its own reward." Joanna Lombard, University of Miami Faculty Advisor