2009 Competition
Making as a Way of Thinking: A Blacksmithing Studio at Penland, North Carolina
2009 Competition Overview
Buildings constructed a hundred years ago or so, such as an old barn or brick church, can move us simply by their honest use of materials, brought together by human hands. They were often built of materials that were cut or dug nearby, and they seem to fit the places where they stand like an oak fits in a forest. We may no longer use the same craft of brick making or barn-raising as these makers did, but we feel their presence in their buildings. They relate to us.
The challenge to architects of the 21st century may be to bring together the skills and techniques of the digital/machine age and the qualities expressed in handcrafted construction so that our buildings return to being humane and connected to their place. The following project is designed to address this challenge.
Frank Harmon, FAIA
Program Author
Frank Harmon Architect PA
Raleigh, NC
Amy Dedominicis, AIA, LEED AP
Sole Proprietor
amy dedominicis architect
Tacoma, WA
Tom Kundig, FAIA
Jury Chair
Principal / Owner
Olson Sundberg Kundig Allen Architects
Seattle, WA
Ellen Weinstein, AIA
Dixon Weinstein Architects PA
Carrboro, NC
Peter N Vincent, AIA
Peter Vincent Architects
Honolulu, HI
Lyceum Fellowship Committee