2002 Competition
2002 Competition Overview
With our twenty first century eyes, we all admire the beauty of our natural wilderness areas. Yet for most, these modern experiences are nothing more than brief fragmented clips from a perspective largely isolated from the land distant and physically removed panoramic glimpses. The real allure, however, is quietly hidden in the wildness that remains sheltered in only the most remote areas of our country. To truly feel its vitality and fragility, one must experience this wildness up close.
A prominent art foundation here in the US has been awarded a grant by the National Park Service to create ten experiential art places. Each is to be located in an isolated wilderness setting in one of ten distinctly different national parks: The Everglades, Glacier, Death Valley, Rocky Mountain, Denali, Badlands, Olympic, Yellowstone, Smokey Mountains and Big Bend. They will be operated jointly by the art foundation and the National Park Service.
"Consume experiences not things" Karim Rashid
Rick Joy, AIA
Jury Chair & Program Author
Tucson, AZ
Steven Ehrlich, FAIA
Culver City, CA
Raveevarn Choksombatchai, AIA
Loom Studio
Berkeley, CA
Kris Horiuchi, ASLA
Horiuchi Solien Landscape Architects
Falmouth, MA
Mark Hutker, AIA
Martha's Vineyard, MA